Wednesday, January 11, 2012

here goes # 1013

This is my one thousand and thirteenth post. FYI. I'm amazed. What have I found to tell you more than a thousand times? God knows.

Stuff like this - My Wonderful Wednesday, by Beth Kaplan. A beautiful day for January, mild and sunny, then getting colder. How long can this idyll last? Working in the morning, then rode my bike to Doubletake where I found a beautiful part-silk Vietnamese jacket with red embroidery, and new socks for my son; on to the Y for - it's Wednesday so you know - Carol's class, inspiring and hard, as ever. My legs hurt. Swung into the library on my way home - three of my "holds" waiting for me, plus two books on writing creative non-fiction that were on display. Just what I need - five more books to read!

Mr. Choy came over for supper, and while he was here, Sam called. He'd just seen "The Descendants" and was very impressed. W*yson and I had been meaning to see it. "Let's go right now," he said, so we jumped in his car and there we were, in Hawaii with George Clooney. A marvellous film, subtle, moving - we both loved it. The script is exemplary, acting, direction - and the set - Hawaii itself - a treat. W*yson especially liked the film's steady pace, and I especially liked the film's gorgeous star. What an extremely handsome man and a fine, brave actor. In fact, that's my main criticism - Clooney is so utterly divine that, despite a great performance, it's hard to believe him as an ordinary Joe. But we'll live with that. And maybe it's a tiny bit tear-jerky.

Highly, highly recommended - a film for grown-ups, quirky, sad, tender, and wise.

And now - writing to you for the 1013th time and then some reading while waiting to spend half an hour with Jon Stewart, another smart, handsome man, like Mr. Choy and Mr. Clooney. Three in one day - what a lucky woman.

My first Ryerson class of the term on Monday night and my new home class again last night - a fresh crop of eager writers, delicious. My daughter over for a visit on Monday (getting her 2009 income taxes done on Parliament Street...). She's starting to walk like a pregnant lady now, belly thrust out in front and a bit of a waddle. Beautiful. The cat has almost been affectionate. And my friend Alannah had some advice for me today at the Y - I told her about my chronic January insomnia and she told me I must NOT NAP. That'll do it, she said. So I did not, and we'll see.

Also listened to CBC news and read newspapers. Unfortunately.

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