Sunday, May 1, 2011

truth and lies

Friend and bloggee Chuck wrote this morning:

Beth, I know the Globe has you down, but this article is right up your
alley - and published (at least online, if not in print), in the GnM.

It's a terrific article, says it all, highly recommended. Thanks, Chuck, and thanks, Matthew Hays, who wrote it. The comments afterwards are 100% - at least as far as I read - against Harper. Who is actually voting for this man and his party?

Incidentally, someone told me that Harper doesn't need the sweet little glasses he took to wearing last year; they're an attempt by his handlers to soften his eyes. This may be apocryphal, but I believe it. Nothing, not even granny glasses from 1968, can soften those eyes.

It's terrifying, in these last minutes, to wonder what will happen Monday. The news of the "leak" about Jack in a massage parlour - my heart sank. What a vile trick, how they scraped the bottom of the barrel to come up with that one. Will people allow themselves to be affected? Will this NDP surge simply siphon off Liberal votes and leave the Conservatives romping happily to a majority? We've got to do something about this 3-way split on the left.

Luckily, on Monday night I will be across town, celebrating my beloved daughter's 30th birthday with her friends, eating burgers cooked on her brand-new birthday present barbeque, a huge thing of splendour. We will all celebrate or mourn together.

I saw a film yesterday that reminded me of the bigger world: the fabulous Hot Docs documentary film festival is on, and I went to see Koundi and the National Thursday with my friend Marilyn. It shows a week in the life of a small village in Cameroon, the villagers' efforts to make money with lumber cut by hand and dragged from the forest, their struggles to dispense justice, to plan for the future. The villagers have almost nothing, wash their clothes in the river, see an "auntie" for potions and medicine. There's a heartening scene of schoolchildren doing a play about the dangers of HIV-AIDS, and a moving scene in which young women, while cornrowing their hair, discuss the number of girls who've had to leave school because of sexual pressure from teachers.

And yet the film was made by a stunning young Cameroonian woman who was in attendance yesterday, nearly in tears to see such a large crowd there to see her film. Documentary film - like memoir, another way to tell and share the truth.

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